Saturday, 19 December 2015

Tips Menjadikan Toko Online Anda Laku

Tidak sedikit dari pembaca semua yang bertanya bagaimana supaya toko online-nya bisa laku dibeli konsumen. Sudah melakukan beberapa cara agar supaya toko online laku tapi bukannya laku malah tetap sepi. Apa penyebabnya? dan bagaimana untuk merubahnya?

Dulu saya sama seperti anda (yang kebetulan saat ini punya toko online tapi sepi pembeli) lalu kemudian saya terus belajar tanpa henti mencari informasi yang akurat untuk merubah bagaimana membuat toko online yang tidak laku menjadi laku keras. Akhirnya saya menemukan beberapa tips yg terbukti berhasil membuat sejumlah toko online (milik client saya tentunya) menjadi ramai pengunjungnya dan laku barang dagangannya. Dan inilah beberapa tips itu supaya anda pun jadi ikut-ikutan laku
Fokus Pada Penampilan (Design) dan Identitas Penjual

Setelah saya mendapatkan trutst kemudian saya pasti akan menilai bagaimana tampilan sebuah website toko online yang menjuak produk yang saya inginkan sebelum saya membeli barang di toko online tersebut.

Hal yg saya nilai adalah: nama domain yg digunakan (apakah domain gratisan atau paid domain), data whois, bentuk dan tampilan website, nomor telpon, alamat dan hal penting lainnya yg berhubungan dengan identitas si penjual.

Fokus Pada Trust!

Apa trust? trust adalah kepercayaan, karena ingat! jual beli di internet adalah berbasis pada kepercayaan. Si penjual percaya kepada pembeli dan begitupun si pembeli harus percaya si penjual tanpa adanya trust maka tidak akan terjadi praktek jual beli.

Lantas bagaimana membangun trust? Banyak sekali cara membangun trust yg difungsikan agar toko online kita menjadi laku. Saya tidak akan menerangkan bagaimana caranya karena anda harus berpikir mandiri untuk menemukan ide-ide jitu dalam rangka membangun trust agar toko online bisa laku.

Ikuti kursus SEO dan belajar internet marketing bersama JBS Group.

Kemudian untuk langkah selanjutnya dapat anda baca di artikel saya yang lalu yg juga berisi tentang metoda atau cara bagaimana agar toko online menjadi ramai pengunjung dan banyak yang beli laris manis dagangan untung. Baca kelanjutannya di artikel ini Kriteria toko online yang pasti banyak pembelinya

Cara Memenangkan Toko Online yang sudah mempunyai nama

Suatu hari saya pernah membaca sebuah artikel yang berkaitan dengan Google. Di dalam artikel itu berisi tanya jawab antara seorang jurnalis dengan salah seorang CEO Google. Satu dari beberapa pertanyaannya yang saya anggap cukup menarik adalah: (dalam kontek persaingan bisnis) Apa yang di takutkan Google terhadap perkembangan dan eksistensi bisnisnya? jawaban yang di berikan oleh Google membuat saya heran ternyata Google tidak takut terhadap competitor-competitor bisnisnya saat ini seperti Yahoo, Ask atau Bing yang di takutkan oleh Google adalah toko-toko online semacam Amazon. 

Apa yang di khawatirkan oleh Google sangat masuk akal sebab orang akan meninggalkan Google sebagai mesin pencaharian saat user sedang mencari refernsi yang bersifat komersil sepeti ingin membeli produk elektronik atau berbelanja online karena user akan langsung mengunjungi toko online yang ada untuk langsung membeli produk yang ingin di belinya. Bila sudah begini maka orang tidak perlu mengunjungi Google lagi untuk mencari produk yang pada akhirnya pengusaha akan enggan memasang iklan di Google dan lebih memilih berjualan di toko online.

Kita Tinggalkan Pembahasan Kita Tentang Google
Saya rasa semua orang akan setuju dengan pendapat saya ini, di Indonesia sebelum marak berdiri mini market semacam AlfaMart dan Indomart banyak sekali masyarakat yang memiliki toko sembako di rumah (dengan sebutan toko klontong) yang mampu memberikan income yang cukup baik bagi pemiliknya tapi setelah banyak di bangun mini market maka secara perlahan-lahan masyarakat mulai beralih dari yang awalnya berbelanja di toko kelontong sekarang beralih ke mini market membuat para pengusaha toko kelontong mati secara pelan-pelan pula.

Demikian dengan maraknya toko online di internet semacam Lazada dan kawan-kawannya itu membuat para pemilik toko online mati secara perlahan-lahan karena kalah dalam sejumlah faktor dan faktor yang utamanya jelas yaitu faktor permodalan. Lagi-lagi para pemodal besar yang berkuasa membuat kehidupan semakin bertambah semakin sulit. Lantas adakah cara untuk memenangkan persaingan toko online? jawabannya tentu ada.

Memanfaatkan Kekurangan Lawan Untuk Memenangkan Persaingan Toko Online

Walaupun memiliki modal yang besar, di dukung oleh SDM dan infrastruktur yang baik hal itu bukan berarti tidak memiliki kekurangan. Tidak sedikit orang yang kecewa dengan layanan yang diberikan para toko online besar untuk membuktikannya anda bisa mencari informasinya di Google dengan keyword misalnya: kecewa dengan layanan  atau layanan  mengecewakan dan seterusnya.

Kekurangan terbesar dari pelayanan toko online besar adalah bahwa tidak ada atau tidak terasa jika ada human touch(sentuhan manusia) karena hampir semua mekanisme yang ada di dalam toko online di jalankan dengan secara otomatis. Hanya pada tahap verifikasi pembayaran yang menggunakan metoda pembayaran tertentu, packing dan pengiriman saja yang di jalankan oleh manusia selebihnya di jalankan oleh sistem.

Waktu menunggu pesanan diantar kerumah yang lebih lama pun bisa anda manfaatkan untuk memenangkan persaingan toko online karena rata-rata toko online besar membutuhkan waktu antara 4 hingga 10 hari untuk memastikan pesanan sudah sampai di tangan pembeli. Anda sebagai pemilik toko online kecil bisa memberikan jaminan barang di antar ke rumah didalam tanggal yang sama dengan tanggal pembelian atau bisa anda tulis beli hari ini barang diantar kerumah hari ini juga! Prosedur claim garansi yang terlalu rumit bisa anda jadikan senjata untuk memenangkan persaingan toko online ini. Direct contact to seller sama sekali tidak ada maka anda sebagai pemilik toko online kecil bisa memanfaatkan ini sebagai celah untuk memenangkan persaingan maka berikanlah nomor telepon, pin BB atau yang lainnya agar pembeli bisa berkomunikasi secara langsung kepada anda.

Semakin besar sebuah sistem maka sudah pasti akan membutuhkan banyak biaya untuk menjalankan sistem tersebut yang berakibat pada harga. Akhirnya harga akan mengalami kenaikan untuk menutupi biaya operasional. Beruntunglah anda sebagai pemilik toko online kecil yang tidak membutuhkan biaya besar untuk menjalankan dan merawat toko online maka anda bisa memberikan harga dibawah harga yang diberikan toko online besar.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

How To Maximize Instagram To Develop Online Business

Instagram is a social media use "photo sharing" so that is very well used to promotean online business to its social media users Instagram. To support the success ofonline business, here's how to maximize Instagram to develop your online business:

Use the feature "Geo-Tagging"

How to maximize Instagram the next is to use Geo-tagging feature, a feature that can tell where our images are taken, but uniquely, this feature allows us to make the namefit our desires, for example with the tag "tap 2 x when you cool". How to maximizeInstagram this is indeed simple but proven to be able to attract the attention ofprospective consumers.

arrange Planning Posts

Here's how to maximize Instagram postings to developing your online business: makeimages and videos of interesting products. To provide an atmosphere of another, you can add "quote" which can be made with the help of

use the method of "Call To Action"

The method of "Call To Action"/CTA is a way of maximizing Instagram that can increase conversions from follower into buyers. Even though your intentions areindeed selling, try any postings that have CTA not too appear to be selling. Examples of the CTA which can be used for example "Love with my image? Contact me on ... "," Click the link in the bio to know me more ", etc.

make A Special Community

Special community is howtomaximize Instagram to develop online business by giving content more specifically for the follower who had done a CTA.

Interact with the Follower

Treat the "follower" such as humans and interact like friends in the real world is a wayof maximizing Instagram to develop online business, such as deleting spam comments, etc.

use the right Hashtag

The use of an appropriate hashtag is a way of maximizing Instagram to develop online business. The hashtag is an important component to assist the process ofmaterial/content on social media including the tsb on Instagram.
Here's how to maximize Instagram by using the hashtag with good and right to develop an online business:
Make sure each picture has a "caption"/description that fits and is followed by the relevant hashtag. Try to always be consistent in the use of hasgtag. Never use ahashtag that does not comply with the content/material You post.

Fix Your Instagram Profile

Your profile on a social media account is your appearance in the real world. Fix Youraccount profile is a great way to maximize Instagram to develop online business.
Here is how to maximize Instagram by fixing Your account profile Instagram:
Use photo profiles the most interesting. Use "username"/user names and profile pictures as if you have other social media accounts to let others easily recognize you. use keywords in your online business niche in profile/biography of Your account withInstagram to ease the process of the search. Use "emoticons" followed with "Call To Action".

How To Increase Visitor Traffic To Your Online Store

                Number of visitors online store is the key to business success online store. Logically the more visitors then the greater the occurrence of a purchase transaction. Many online stores that end tragically because it has no visitors. Therefore as the businessman's online store, you must continually increase traffic visitors to your online store.
The following are some ways that you can do to increase visitor traffic to your online store:
Use The Strategy Of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
                Proper SEO techniques will be able to make your website appear in the top page of search engines like Google etc. Thus when consumers type keywords in the search engines then the chances of them clicking on your website is getting bigger and it will increase traffic visitors online store that comes from search engines.
Register Your Product At Online Store Catalog
                There are some online stores that directories available on the internet such as which you can use to register your online shop so that it will help increase traffic visitors to your online store. In addition the registration to the directory can also raise the page rank of your website so that it is easier to get into the top search engine search results.
Use Of Social Media
                The use of social media is getting menggurita like facebook, twitter, Instagram etc should be utilized to increase visitor traffic to your online store. You can include links that lead to your online store's website on the posting status of you wrote in social media. In addition to improving Your online shop visitor traffic, making your online store page by fans on social media can establish long-term relationships and improve consumer confidence.
Active In Online Forums
                You can embed links to your online store in your profile as well as Your postings in online forums. In addition to improving traffic visitors to your online store, the more active you are on the online forums, it will be the more famous your online shop and kabarbaiknya online shop you will get backlinks that can increase the page rank of your website. They will also offer some forum buy sell forum that can be used to offer you. Some forums that you can follow like Kaskus, the Second Forum, Bersosial, etc.
Sign Up On The Mailing List
                Mailing List/mailing list is an email group resulting in a one-time email delivery then you can reach out to many people at once connected in the mailing list so that they will be able to increase visitor traffic to your online store.
Do A Blogwalking
                Blogwalking is activities provide comments and postings to follow other people's blogs/websites that aim to introduce our online store site at the ends can increase traffic visitors shop online. We recommend that you do a blogwalking on the website relating to the products that we sell.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Learn about marketing that turns easily

If we have a business, but we don't learn marketing certain of succeeding is very difficult. There have been many that prove to be big and successful in business,definitely use the technique unusual markeing. Some even say Crazy Marketing. This shows how important a marketing strategy in a business.

In fact if we learn marketing, science could not be standardised. He is not likemathematics or physics that we can say that 4 + 4 = 8. The science of marketing is a dynamic science, follow the direction of the times and lingkunganya. So that we may learn the science of marketing to high, but in practice ... when we plunge are just some of the science that will be used. Different times, different people, different places also different from the vagaries ofthe Act. This is what makes marketing there is a social science that is very dynamic.
Do we not need to learn marketing?
Short answer "needs". The basic science of marketing is the same. How the offer withgood words, are influenced and invite listeners in order to perform the action (in this case the purchase)
     some of the things we need to learn from the very science of marketing is:
    1. Know your Place

Different place will certainly be different from the person, it is definitely going to bedifferent also culture. We can not sell with the same technique if we sell an item in jakarta with the countryside. Alasanya much, could be considered abusive. It was one of them. So we have to recognize the place, where we do offer

     2. language

The core of a marketing is how to offer. Well ... Please choose a language that really fit in with the environment, in accordance with point noomor one above. When you need to use the language in which they are located. For example, your promotion in Java, then much more right on target if you are using the Java language. Or maybe in Medan, then use local languages bahasa batak field.

     3. More to Explain advantages

Make sure the quote that you made are not for profit. But it tells listeners about whatthe advantages of the products you offer. Carefully stuck on a massive promotion that seems to promise somethingextraordinary, but without explaining the exact intent of your product. Not the success that you would get, but even a loss.

     4. Product Knowledge

You will offer, certainly you must know very well about your product. I have a funny story at the same time interesting. When I want to buy a mobile phone, I've been looking for in advance about the phone specifications. Including the excellence and the drawback. #PentingnyaProductKnowledge. At the moment I am going to buy it, I asked like a fool who does not know about thephone I would buy. I know that the phone has specs can "Touchscreen". Then I asked "what's a touchscreen??" the seller said, "no SIR!" (with mantab replied "then I saythat's" Ya "touchscreen. From the above short story look that mastery of the knowledge of the products he isnot exactly known. This became a crack in a quote. We offer something that impressed waw .... and when that conduct benefit greatly. You should not do this, because it affects your sales.

     5. Keep on serving

Has you go to a store, and then wonder about the stuff that is in the store, then you are not so buy it, and then that happened the seller grumble?? I'M SURE YOU'VEEXPERIENCED IT This is a disease that can damage your sales. Because typically the buyer will provide acap or "labeling" to stores that make it uncomfortable. Therefore, make sure you keepserving with the individual customer who comes into your store.

With 5 simple techniques that marketing the only, you can get an incredibleadvantage. I usually call it LAY with the science. The science that everyone knew, everyone can learn marketing, but not everyone can desist. Simple does not meaneasy, Easy doesn't mean cheap.
Stay tuned to learn marketing, could also combine with ATM (observe, Blackouts andmodification) thus frends marketing techniques will all be getting rich.

The easy way to explode online sales turnover

    well friends this time I will discuss a little bit about how to explode sales with sellingturnover just yok us refer to the how to and phases of its:

1. Update your merchandise

     Need all my friends know that this Online masyarakan Indonesia now had a veryliterate with online shopping. Therefore, it is highly expected that the seller-the sellercan also compete properly in providing information about their products. In this case it is an UPDATE.
The update is not something difficult, nor is it something strange. In selling, if we do not give you a new variant or type a new one from the normally, then our sales will be considered mediocre.

     While the buyer usually always want to get the latest. Therefore, we are forced to follow the buyer at this time. This is already happening, and if we're not sensitive, then we will be left behind from other competitors. As a result the turnover we can declinecould even roll the mat a.k.a broke.

2. greet visitors and buyers

     Friends need to know clearly, that at this time the world has indeed moved into IT.This means that the person using the technology in many blebih keseharianya.

     But wait frends, humans are social animals. There's always the word "INTERACTION" ineveryday human life. So in doing business, friends need to know Tips Online Sellingthis one. Sapa visitors you either via phone, SMS, Whatsapp, fuel and others.

If the "prospective buyers" should we said, let alone who have become our customers.Then the way we greet also should be Soft and friendly.

In addition there is the term "Soft Selling". Friends need to learn this in order not toalways offer something when greet visitors to your online store. Make these tipsuseful. Tujuanya the visitors you get many benefits when visiting your Website or FBor Twitter.

Remember well that Online Selling Tips to blow up Your Turnover starting from the number of people who like to services and our service. Not how we always offer ourmerchandise.

3. Service/Service

Talk to the service or the service, then the Online Selling Tips the most potent andwithout removing the additional cost is this "SERVICE" seems simple but its Impact is very remarkable.

Try I give an example of a well, I've got product sanitary napkins, but I also give tips on how to maintain the health of the female sex organs, and then I also give tips onliving a healthy life and everything to do with health is primarily women's health.

Surely this would provide added value or Added Value to everyone close to us or visitour online store website. So, it's important that we make the service attractive like thatso that we got a special place to our customers every dihati.

Thus the sales and turnover we can certainly EXPLODED, but charges that we use tovery little promotion.

That's 3 Tips Sale Online that aimed to BLOW UP Your Turnover. Remember well, usea Hard sell, but don't forget Soft-Selling is also very important to get maximum results.