Monday 9 November 2015

Creating Online business opportunities

                   Why  Online Business ?? 
                    With increasing internet users and also economic growth in Indonesia at this time, the development of business in Indonesia also turned out to be a fairly rapid increase, especially the growth of its online business. Not only on the business of information technology (it) in which the information media through conventional newspaperSchrafft now a online newspaper such as;,,,,, and many others, but also in online business (eCommerce) and also the go offline business online.
                   We definitely have seen an offline business which is then marketed online to increase sales or to make the brand more popular. One of the go offline business onlinecaught my attention is the business of selling beef rendang online by Ms. RenoAndam Suri. We can see his videos on YouTube. In a nutshell online business opportunities currently open very wide and can be done by anyone who wants to do business.
                  Business online were certainly businesses that run through the medium of the internet. Everyone who has an internet connection and also has products for saleonline want to be able to run your online business. The target marketnya not limitedbecause we can sell our products anywhere both locally and internationally. One example is the mother of Reno sells rendangnya through the internet, she could reach potential buyers online and allows for a greater benefit.
                  Based on my penglaman and also the information I find about online business, here are some online business opportunities without the large capital and we can do it from home:

1. Open the service of making a Website/Blog

                    This business is perfect for someone who has the ability in building a website or blog.We don't need to have great skill in drawing up codes of websites from scratchbecause there are actually many ways are fairly easy to build a website/blog. One of the platforms that are very easy to learn and apply in build a website/blog isWordPress. On WordPress, there's an awful lot of themes/templates are ready to useand unique, whether free or paid with a professional look.

                   At first you may feel less able to run this business, but if you are already accustomedto making a website/blog are nice, certainly potential buyers you wouldn't think longto hire your services. And we need to watch out for before selling this service, should we also have a business website with a convincing display.

2. Open the service write/Create Website content

                   Website content may include text, images, and videos. But most of the content of the website I see average use text. If you or someone around you has the ability in writingarticles, make videos, and images, then this online business opportunity should you run. There are so many owners of websites that do not have the time or don't have a good skill in creating content for their website.

                   In addition to the content in the form of text, video and image content logo is alsopretty much need. One of the video content and the images often look for is making video marketing and also the logo image that is associated with the business that will be marketed. Someone who has the ability to create video content marketing and alsothe logo image should be utilizing this business opportunity.

3. Sell other people's products (dropshiper/reseller/affiliate)
                  The advantages of selling other people's products (reseller/dropshiper) is we don't need vertiginous question of procurement of goods sold and also process the shipment. There are many online stores that offer this program, surely we have tostudy the transaction history of the online store, and make sure that you collaborate with people who are responsible and trustworthy,

                  Online stores that offer a reseller program and dropship are usually willing to send the goods to the buyer the goods in packaging which name or our online store which became the poster. So we will not lose the buyer when purchasing wanted to do in the future. Products sold by way of a reseller/dropship items usually are shaped.


                   In addition to selling the products of physical shape, we can sell other people's products in digital form such as eBooks, videos, and membership. This program isusually referred to as affiliate where we get the Commission the percent of total priceof successful digital products we sell through our affiliate links.
Affilate Lazada

4. Being a Realtor Online

                   This business is pretty much done by the online business. A broker is a person or a company that served to bring together between the seller of a product/service to prospective buyers. Surely to be a Realtor, we have to have the network and contacts. In online business, the sense of trust that is something very important. Therefore should we need to study the background of the person we wish to pertemukan, either the seller or potential buyer.

                 Some businesses use the services of a Realtor online among others; sell websites, sell property, sell services, and others. The other thing that we need to pay attention as the online broker is in terms of the determination of the price of the product/service that you provide. You should not take the lucky too big and also don't be too small because it concerns your advantage and also a sense of trust from your clients.

5. Be a Professional Blogger

                  If this one surely almost anyone can do it. There are many bloggers who have income which is fanstastis of the blog/website built. I personally am very inspired by the success story of a blogger from the United Kingdom, where his WordPress blog initially stubs about social media eventually became a large site with income reaching four hundreds of thousands of dollars more per month, if dirupiahkan four billion more. is the name of the site, originally created by CMS tp has now been built with

                   Income from the blog could come from programs PPC (pay per click) Google Adsense, advertising space, product reviews, and more. To become a blogger is certainly not a very difficult thing isn't it? I myself at first not so fond of writing and creating articles, even at the beginning of the creation of this blog, this blog is almost 3 months no content at all hehehe. Finally I try, and tadaaaa ... articles I've pretty much.

6. Go Offline Business Online

                   As already described in the paragraph beginning, offline business model we can also run online to boost brand and also profit. There are many SME entrepreneurs to successfully develop their business and profit doubled after its business to market online, of course we should initially have a business or product that we sell. To create an offline business we marketed online does not require a large capital, which we certainly will need a website and also social media as a supporter of marketing online.

7. Open the consulting services in the field of a particular Online

                  This business is perfect if you have a very good ability in a specific field, in the sense that you are an expert in the field who You get into. Some examples for this field of business is consulting SEO (search engine optimization) a website, business development consultation, consultation, consultation romance problems of traditional medicine, and others.

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